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Step by Step Approach to LinkedIn Marketing Success

Step by Step Approach to LinkedIn Marketing Success

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network that has a reach over 200 countries and hosts as a common platform for its 610 million white-collar professionals, where they share their expertise and look up for better employment opportunities.

It opens an opportunity for the global workforce to form connections with each other which in turn help them find their ideal job. It acts as a common platform for businesses and people to interact with each other.

LinkedIn is one of the social media platforms that a business must be on in case if it is a service provider that deals highly with professional people around the world. Other businesses can also use LinkedIn to increase their brand awareness, generate leads, and establish strategic partnerships.

With LinkedIn, a business can connect with its 610 million users across the world. It can market its products, create market dominance, and develop a strong marketing strategy.

Here is a step by step approach using which your business will grow and help you to engage your audience.

(1) Define Your Goals And Objectives:

The goals and objectives of your business LinkedIn profile should match with that of your company’s. Also, they should be focused to drive more CTA’s.

While the common LinkedIn marketing goals include increasing brand awareness and generating leads, your goals may differ based on your needs.

Defining goals and objectives will also help you to define your audience. You would be easily able to create buyer’s personas and target audience that can be attracted towards your business.

(2) LinkedIn Profile Creation:

Creating a personal profile is very important to build people’s faith in business. People trust people more than a company. A personal profile will help you to form a connection more easily than it does with a typical business page.

Your LinkedIn profile and profile of your employees will form together to form a representation of your company’s brand page.

Your audience will go through your profile and the content on your profile. Based on their interaction with your profile, the audience will determine if they want to work with you and your business.

(3) Company Page Creation:

The next step is to create a company profile on LinkedIn. The company page on LinkedIn will act as a primary source for your audience to gain insights and about your company.

It should allow your customers to learn more about your company and go through content related to your field of work. Also, make sure that every employee of your company is listed on your company’s profile.

People often trust organizations that have more employees. So make sure that each employee of your company has linked your company with their personal profile.

(4) Attract More Customers:

The authority of a company’s page is established by its audience strength and relevance. When people start following your business’s LinkedIn profile they are automatically delivered the updates and new content on their LinkedIn feed.

Attracting more followers is an essential task for any business as it helps the company to establish dominance and control over the market.

To increase your follower count you can first ask your employees to like and share the content that you post on your company’s page. This will increase as your audience reach and let your content be delivered to 2nd-degree connections.

You can also promote your company in different online and offline platforms. You can promote your company in newsletters, press releases, blogs, and encourage readers to follow you back on LinkedIn.

It is also a good practice to embed a LinkedIn follow button on your company’s websites. Tempt your audience to follow your profile with engaging content and insights.

(5) Optimizing Profile For Search:

One other thing that a business can do to attract more customers is to improve your profile’s ranking on different search engines. You may have to optimize your profile according to the norms of different search engines in order to rank better on them.

In brief, in order to improve your SEO ranking, you can insert keywords in the content of your business profile, improve the backlink structure, and work on your follower count.

This was a super brief and mundane explanation about SEO ranking improvement. Go through the link in order to learn about the modern tricks and hacks to improve your SERP ranking.

(6) Publishing Content That Attracts An Audience:

One biggest predicament that many people face is developing magnetic content that attracts more customers.

Firstly, it is not a difficult task to generate engaging content. However, it should target the audience and their expectations. It should be interesting and at the same time must be able to stop the reader from bouncing off the page.

To be completely honest LinkedIn is not an ideal platform to share content regarding sales. However, it works fantastically in managing professional relation with connections and addressing their pain points.

You can share insightful and helpful content with your audience that gives them knowledge about a particular subject. You can also maintain a consistent relationship with them by answering their questions and responding to their content.

Even you won’t be able to make sales on LinkedIn you can share insightful content that can establish your leadership in your field of business.

(7) Advertising Content On LinkedIn:

Another method to increase awareness about your business on LinkedIn is through advertisement. Sponsoring content is native advertisement on LinkedIn. It allows a person to directly promote its content in LinkedIn feeds of various professionals.

Even though pay per click advertising is an effective way of increasing your brand awareness, it can take a substantial amount of your marketing budget. It is, therefore, better to use PPC along with SEO practices to gain cost-effective and relevant results.

(8) Using Analytics And Inspecting Competitors:

It is easier to develop content when you know what will resonate with them. It is therefore essential for a business to monitor its audience and the way they spend their time on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn incorporates in-built page analytics and analytics for publishing on LinkedIn. You can easily use these features to monitor your audience and their interaction with different posts of your business’s profiles.

You can also track your competitor’s profiles to see what strategies and techniques they use to construct a better relationship with their customers.

Go through their domain and page authority and try to overcome them by implementing the above techniques.


By using these tips you will be able to grow your follower count on LinkedIn and grow your business. However, make sure that your target audience is using LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the biggest social networking platform for professionals. A business can use it to link itself with experts and white-collar executives from all around the world. By driving them towards itself, it can increase its relevance and establish its dominance in the market.


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